Management Policy
The Company makes information disclosure in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations ("Laws and Regulations") and the timely disclosure rules prescribed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (the "Timely Disclosure Rules") to provide timely, accurate and fair information to shareholders and investors. In addition, the Company will also proactively disclose information not subject to Laws and Regulations or the Timely Disclosure Rules if the information is deemed to be effective for understanding the Company.
Securities reports, etc. are made available to the public via the Financial Services Agency's "EDINET", and information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules is made available to the public via the Tokyo Stock Exchange's "TDnet". In addition, the same information is also posted on the Company's website promptly thereafter. Information not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules is also disclosed by posting on the Company's website, etc. so that the information is communicated in an accurate and fair manner.
The Company will comply with the Fair Disclosure Rules prescribed in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and be careful to avoid selective disclosure to certain parties and strive to make fair information disclosure.
The current plans, outlook, strategies, etc. (the "earnings forecasts, etc.") disclosed by the Company are forward-looking statements made based on information available to the Company's management at the time of disclosure, and involve risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, actual results may differ from the earnings forecasts, etc. due to changes in the economic situation, market trends, etc. surrounding the Company's and the Group companies' business fields. Please see "Risk Information" for matters that may have material impact on investors' decisions.
The Company has set "the period from the day following the end of a fiscal quarter to that fiscal quarter's earnings announcement date" as a "Quiet Period" during which it refrains from responding to questions and commenting on information relating to the financials to prevent leakage of material corporate information and ensure fairness. However, any event subject to timely disclosure will still be disclosed in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules even if it is during the Quiet Period.
Please refer to not only this Disclosure Policy but also the separately posted "Disclaimer" upon the retrieval of information on the Company's website.