About Us

  • Q 01Please tell us about the company details.

    Please refer to "Corporate Profile."

  • Q 02When was the Company established?

    The Company was established in December 1984 under the name "Japan Satellite Broadcasting, Inc." as the first private satellite broadcasting company in Japan.
    The Company commenced pay TV broadcasting service in April 1991. The Company later changed its company name to WOWOW INC. in December 2000.
    For further details, please refer to "History" under "Corporate Profile."

  • Q 03When were your stocks listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?

    The Stocks were listed on Mothers of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 2001, and then they were transferred to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in March 2011.Transitioned to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 2022.

  • Q 04What are the major group companies?

    Please refer to "Corporate Profile" for the major group companies.

  • Q 05How can I view the Company's corporate governance structure?

    Please refer to "Corporate Governance".

  • Q 06Is the Company implementing any initiatives that contribute to society or any environmentally freindly activities?

    By contributing to achieving the global community's shared Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an entertainment company, WOWOW intends to support the realization of a society that is aware of environmental issues, respects diverse values and freedom of expression, and fosters tolerance. For details, please refer to "Social Iniatives".

About Our Management

  • Q 07Please describe your business.

    The Company broadcasts movies, TV dramas, sports programs and music programs acquired in Japan and from overseas, and our original dramas, documentaries and other in-house programs through our three full-HD channels.
    For details, please refer to "Business".

  • Q 08Please indicate your subscription statistical trend.

    Please refer to "Subscriptions".

  • Q 09What are the important indicators in management?

    As the source of revenue in our business is membership revenue from subscribers, number of net cumulative subscriptions is the important mamagement indicators.
    In terms of profit, we have set the ratio of ordinary income to net sales of the entire group as an important management indicator in order to secure revenue stability.
    Over the medium to long term, our largest goal is to increase revenue through the increase in the number of net cumulative subscriptions, maintain a stable upward trend of profit margin, and create a new pillar of revenue through the increase in income from other sources than "Media Service". Furthremore, we have set the creation of cash flow (cash flow from operating activities) as an important management indicator from a medium- to long-term perspective in order to enhance corporate value.

  • Q 10Where can I view the Company's management policy and medium-term management plan?

    Please refer to "Long-Term Vision "10-Year Strategy" and "Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2021-2025)".

  • Q 11What are the risks in management?

    Of matters relating to the Group's business and management, major matters thought to be potential risk factors or important to the decision-making of investors are described in securities reports(in Japanese only). Please refer to the business risks and other risks described in the securities reports for details.

About Our Stocks and Shareholder Meetings

  • Q 12Please indicate the Company's stock code number.

    The Company's stock code number on the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 4839.

  • Q 13Please indicate the Company's shareholder composition.

    Please refer to "Stock Data".

  • Q 14Please indicate the Company's stock price performance to date.

    Please refer to the Bloomberg L.P. page.

  • Q 15When is the annual general shareholders' meeting held?

    The annual general meeting of shareholders is held every June.
    Date and venue are notified through a convocation notice of the general shareholders' meeting.

  • Q 16Who is the administrator of the shareholder list?

    It is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

About Dividends

  • Q 17Please indicate the trend of actual dividends.

    Please refer to "Shareholder Returns".

  • Q 18Are there interim dividends?

    Any dividends are paid in the form of year-end dividends once a year.

  • Q 19I would like to know the Company's thinking on dividends.

    The Company aims for uninterrupted and stable dividends while retaining sufficient earnings by taking into consideration each fiscal year's business performance, strengthening of financial structure, medium- to long-term business strategy and other factors in a comprehensive manner.

About Financial Statements

  • Q 20When does the fiscal year end?

    The fiscal year ends at the end of March.

  • Q 21When is the Company's announcement of financial results made?

    Announcement of financial results is made on a quarterly basis.
    Please refer to "IR Calendar".

  • Q 22Where can I obtain the Company's latest financial information?

    The latest IR materials are available on the "IR Information" page.


  • Q 23Who can I contact with inquiries regarding IR?

    Please make inquiries using the "Inquiry Form".