(As of Mar, 2023)
(in Japanese alphabetical order of company names; honorifics omitted)
Company name Analyst name
Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. Taro Ishihara

・This list is intended to provide information solely for the purpose of introducing the analysts at companies or research institutions making analyses or projections on the business performance, etc. of the Company, and is not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell the Company's shares. In addition, the Company in no way endorses these analysts' projections, opinions, recommendations, etc. or guarantees the integrity of the information thereof.
・The analysts on this list and analysts not on this list analyze the business performance, business, etc. or project the future business performance of the Company based on their independent judgment on a regular or irregular basis. Neither the Company nor its management have involvement whatsoever in any process thereof. In actual investments, any decision to buy or sell shall ultimately be made at your own discretion.
・There may be other analysts who the Company is unaware of and thus not on this list, and there may be changes in analysts, etc. that the Company is unaware of and thus not fully reflected on this list.